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Article: Mind Over Matter: Kat's Tips For Healthy Thinking


Mind Over Matter: Kat's Tips For Healthy Thinking

The days and nights are in equilibrium here in the UK - so we're enjoying longer, lighter days. Time to come out of the darkness and start a new challenge! As a yoga practitioner and someone who runs a site, you might expect me to extol the benefits of moving more. You might also expect me to hammer home that it’s time to shed layers. And to start thinking of pre-summer regimes for your body. But in fact, right now, I’m thinking about mental challenges more than physical challenges. Of course, yoga is wonderful for the body, but also for the mind and spirit. And it is these mental aspects that are often overlooked by folks. It seems people are often drawn to the abilities of a strong and flexible body over healthy thinking. healthy thinking

Mind Over Matter: Kat's Tips For Healthy Thinking

A Strong Body Starts With A Healthy Mind

Of equal importance to having a strong and healthy body is having a flexible and healthy mind. A mind that can take up challenges, embrace the new - and disregard what isn’t working for it. We need to consider our thoughts, fleeting as they are, just like we consider the food we eat. We know that healthy food means a healthy body. And the same is true with the mind: a healthy mind shows us the path to a healthy body.

Consider What's Real? What's Make Believe?

As children, we believe in fairy tales. As we grow up, we continue to believe stories, and we need to believe things to function in this world. Like a sense of trust that when we take money out of the ATM, someone will accept our paper in exchange for food or goods. We need to believe in the goodness of people so to live alongside your neighbours and live in towns. We need to believe that the sun will come up in the morning as we plant our seeds for the next day. Though there are many things we carry in our mind that are just not true. Not helpful. They may have come from our childhood. Things we've 'told' ourselves. From the world around us. We are familiar with fake news now, but what of fake stories inside our heads? healthy thinking

Take Notice of Your Inner Voice

You’ve heard the phrase, 'don’t believe everything you think'. But right now, I’d like you to conduct an experiment on yourself. Take note of the commentary inside your head; your self-talk. You don't need to practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to do this. You can do this without, or as an extension of, any other kind of practice. Notice your self-talk throughout your days. When you start to hear the voice in your head, the things it says about you can shock you - but persist. When I started this experiment, I surprised myself at my lack of self-belief. I thought I was a confident person. And the voice in my head said things that my worst enemy wouldn’t say! Just being aware of what's happening in your thoughts will help you move into a more positive mind. Try this. Try it again. It will work with practice. Your inner voice can play down your abilities, skills and worth. Though it can also become your best supporter. When your inner voice is positive, it can be a surprise how much more confident and stronger you feel. And how much happier you’ll become.

Take Action: Start a Self-Talk Journal

You can take action by journaling some of your current self-talk. To take a note of it, and maybe, after your yoga practice, make a list of how you feel, your skills and abilities. When you journal you’ll be able to keep accountable to yourself. This is so important as your thoughts become your actions. When you have positive self-thought and self-belief, you are more likely to make positive actions. You might finally apply for that job. Start that new business. Ask for the promotion or pay rise. Or realise a new hobby. So why wait? It’s time for you to take care of your mental health as much as you do your physical health. healthy thinking

Boost Positive Thoughts With Yoga

If you’d like a helping hand to roll out your mat at home and practice yoga, mindfulness, meditation, Movement for Modern Life is currently running a Spring Challenge. It's designed to help you leap back into life - enjoy. Take advantage of the 14-day Free Trial. And right now, you can get 50% off Annual Subscriptions for unlimited access to all our classes. So you've nothing to lose! Use the code MOTHERSDAY17. Here's to healthy thinking and a healthy body. Kat healthy thinking If you have any healthy thinking tips of your own, we would love to hear them - just let us know in the comments below or by messaging us on Twitter or Instagram.

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