Looking After Your Mind And Body At Home
We are all spending most of our time at home at the moment, and with the shorter days and cooler temperatures, it's not surprising we might feel the need to look after ourselves a little more than usual. Exercising regularly is hugely beneficial to both physical and mental health, and can help to maintain a sense of routine. Whether you're looking after children at home or working from your kitchen table, we suggest simple ways to bring a sense of calm and focus to your surroundings.
Gentle Stretching
Exercise doesn't always have to be high intensity. Considered, gentle yoga can have a positive impact on the body in a number of ways; from increasing energy levels to reducing stress. If you're spending much of the day hunched over your computer, we encourage you to take a bit of time out of the day to gently stretch, release tension in the body and re-focus the mind.
There are many online classes available to get you stretching from the comfort of your own home. We recommend Movement for Modern Life, a community who focus on a wholesome approach to sustainable living and fitness for all levels.
Starting the day with some calm meditation, even if it's only for 15 minutes can allow you to feel grounded and in tune with yourself. The simple act of carving out some time just for you can make all the difference to your perspective for the rest of the day. Find a quiet place to sit, breathe deeply and focus on positive, simple thoughts. If you feel you need a little more guidance, apps such as Calm and Headspace are great for helping with relaxation.
Head Outside for a Walk
Whether you live in the city or the countryside, research the best places around you to go for a walk. Getting outside and stretching your legs for even just 30 minutes per day is enough to increase fitness, strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of heart disease. Surrounding yourself in nature can also help to clear your head and give your mind the break it needs. Explore your closest walking route here.
Mindful Activities
Spend some time learning a new skill that helps you relax. There are plenty of classes taking place online at the moment, and sites such as Skillshare have plenty of workshops to offer. Keeping the hands busy doing something repetitive can have a calming effect on the mind, which is why activities such as sewing, knitting or drawing are great, and they give a wonderful sense of achievement.